Hello beautiful! Welcome to my cozy corner on the internet. This is a VIP suite for you and me where we talk about everything fabulous and healthy. Today, let's explore five morning habits that will make you feel like a real boss lady! First on the agenda: Pushing past the snooze button: Instead of succumbing to the siren song of the snooze button, try setting your alarm for a time when you actually need to wake up. Yep, I know it sounds crazy, but trust me on this one! By training yourself to rise and shine at the same time every morning, you'll establish a consistent sleep schedule that leaves you feeling refreshed and rejuvenated. I know the temptation to hit snooze and snuggle back into your comfy sheets is great, but--trust me--come on! Set an alarm for sensible hours and when it goes off jump out of bed with a smile on your face ready to take on the world. Next on the list is Hydration : Water is like a superhero for your body, swooping in to h...
Exploring the art of self care, fashion, beauty and style. Savoring delicious culinary adventures, relationships and finance.